Friday, January 19, 2018

3 months

And one, and two, and three! Ryan is three months old today.

There is no doctor's appointment for 3 months so Julia weighed and measured him. 24.8 inches for 15 lbs 6.

We did go to the doctor's to check the bump on his head. She doesn't think we should worry about it.

Here are some pictures with his siblings who were able to stay with him quite a bit lately thanks to snow days and sick days.

Vive la famille!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Happy Birthday Evan!

Evan is our first birthday of the year. He is now 5! We celebrated on Monday.

Keld was filming and's in two parts.

Thank you Evan for a great party!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Happy New Year !

New Year's Eve was on Sunday and that's when we actually had our New Year's meal.


Keld had the whole week off, so he took the kids on adventures! Well, I stayed home with Ryan, it was too cold...

We also celebrated the Wise Men with our traditional brioche with the little surprise inside (which we call fève).

I think Zack got the first one. 

Happy New Year !