Friday, December 11, 2020

School Report - Julia

 Julia has finished her first high school quadmester!

This means she's done with phys-ed for good. Apparently, you don't have to keep choosing sports from now on and she sure won't do it. She was indeed very disappointed in her quadmester. She worked really hard on all the theory tests (and did very good) but despite all her efforts, her physical abilities (or rather inabilities) brought her mark down. She finished with a 77% (the class median being 78%). 

For those who read French, you will have noticed the contradictory remarks. The sports teacher telling her to master her good work habits and the history teacher telling her to keep her excellent work habits. She really liked history (grade 10) and finished with the best mark: 94% (class median 83%). Her teacher was so proud "and she's a Grade 9!" Of course, it really helped that there were no surprise test, no exam and that for all the tests she would receive a paper called a "review" with all the questions AND all the answers to the coming tests! He couldn't make it easier! She did have a 5 page-paper to write (she chose to write on the baby-boomers) so she did study a lot.

Julia is quite happy to have the same teacher for geography this quadmester. She also now has maths in a class full of Avengers.

 That teacher has put all his classes online, which is nice for when they are sick or when I need to help! All grade 9 have been given a computer for their high school years.

Julia is quite disappointed that the arts club hasn't started yet but she decided to join another club: Reach for the Top. It's on Tuesdays and Thursdays but she only goes on Thursdays since she has piano on Tuesdays. None of her good friends are in this club, she joined because she likes to do extra-curricular activities and secretly hoped she could get a hoodie with her name on it (which she will! They usually only do those for the sports teams but because the money won't go into competition this year, that club will get a t-shirt and a hoodie!). She also participates in the different activities they have,  like omnikin and "send your picture with a Christmas filter"

You need a phone for everything..

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