Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Goodbye Julia !

 Julia left for Idaho right after stake conference. 

Kelden wasn't there to say goodbye as he was working at the pool before it closed again.

The trip went well, except for encouters with deers and boxes..They saw lots of sheep, stopped at Mount Rushmore and made a detour through Utah. 


They finally arrived !

Ryan also got his room ready!

Julia started her first classes yesterday.

Have fun !

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Family PIctures

 We took some family pictures before Julia left for university. 

At least, we tried...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Labor Day Week-End

 We started with a trip to the MontrĂ©al temple! 

After going to the bakery, we went to Ottawa where we saw our "old" friends. I didn't take a picture, so here's one from another of our visits. They have both changed quite a bit... 

On Monday, Keld and I had lunch with "Brother" McGinn and other friends/family. Keld remembers his Primary lessons quite well ! 

We finished with a nice little walk. 

For some reason, I have more pictures of Julia...