Monday, April 29, 2013

Playing With Papa

There are plenty of reasons why Keld prefers to take the kids outside. This might be one of them:

I hope Grand-Père is ready...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Out !

Zack still can't talk. He barely tries to repeat the ends of words. Of course, since a 2 year-old doesn't engage in philosophical discussions, I usually understand what he wants. Usually. Sometimes, I don't and he has to find a way to get what he wants on his own. Other times, the message is quite clear.

After 6 months of confinement, one word comes to mind frequently: escape!

So, despite the cold, the snow, the rain or the wind, he tries to go outside. His siblings too.

We have started to go for walks and it is still the same: Julia runs in front, lazy Kelden stays back and we have to watch Zack closely.

Did you see that? A ray of wasn't a mirage after all...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Snowy Spring

We're still getting snow and, since complaining about it doesn't make it go away (trust me I've seen plenty of people try), we've been enjoying it !

Despite the weather being cold, Zack wants to go outside all the time.

Maybe he had too much fun outside yesterday because today he is tired. It leaves me time to make a cake for my sister's birthday.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Zack's Birthday Party

Zack turned 2 on Wednesday but we had decided to celebrate on the Saturday so that Grandpa Bruce could make it. Kelden and Julia, however, also wanted a party on the D Day. Unfortunately, Zack, who had no clue it was his birthday, was actually not feeling good that day. Still, they opened a present for him as soon as he woke up (which, for once, was after them, since he had not had a good night) : Thomas the train pjs.

Zack was feeling much better yesterday.

And I think he actually understood that there was a party going on as soon as his grand-parents came in.

We had a very fancy dinner: hot-dogs. We had to choose one of Zack's favorites!

Special had made the cake: Thomas the train, with his name, his age, his picture and his whole family !!! I was really impressed.

Zack blew the candles a bit too early, probably because he knew that if he didn't, someone else would get them first.

After the cake, he opened his presents, with lots of help as usual.

He got trains, books, T-shirts and Mater (who blows bubbles!). He was very happy with everything he got. Thanks everyone ! By the way, here are the other guests not already shown.

I didn't think the boys were going to sleep that night. Kelden had kept the singing elephant and Zack had most of his trains with him in bed...

I'll end this post with a picture of Zack with his favorite person in the whole wide world: his dad.

And, at least on the Scott's side, his Dad is next for a birthday party !

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sunday Snow

Keld got up Sunday morning and told me not to look out the window. He knew I wouldn't be able to resist. He was right. The snow was calling me. And since general conference didn't start till noon, I took some time to enjoy God's beautiful white creation.

We then went back to the conference. It's a special week-end so we have special activities and, of course, special treats.

To each treat is associated a word and if you hear the word during a session you can take of the treat it is associated to. Better treats have harder words that we want the kids to learn, such as "covenant," while easy words,  like "God" or "Jesus" only get you chocolate chips. But Kelden likes chocolate chips and therefore declared, while getting some after hearing the magic word:  "I love Jesus!!"

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cat and Dogs

Here are some pictures of Zack with Marley, Coda and Ivy.

He's still not quite sure about Ivy. I think he's worried that, like him, she can bite...