Wednesday, July 3, 2024

René Brunelle Provincial Park

 For the long week-end of Canada Day, we landed on Moonbeam. 

We got there on Friday and Keld and Kelden set us up under the rain. Saturday was a rainy day too so we took our time, ate inside and played cards. 

Between storms, we explored the campground. Zack went with me to the big beach (I had to change bike and use Kelden's as my bike isn't good on gravel.)

The boys went to the little playground and the little bridge we found. 

Kelden accompanied Zack and myself to the little beach. 

The weather was better on Sunday. We were able to make a fire (the bread didn't work as well as at home...)

Then, we walked together to the big beach. 

Close to that beach, there is a small trail called the Vigilance Trail. Zack and Kelden came with me to learn about aviators who would land in the little islands we could see from the trail while on their surveillance flight, checking for forest fires. 

On our way back, we saw a fox getting his supper ready!

After our supper, we went to the little beach. 

Monday was Canada Day!

We wanted to start the day with a bike ride but marathonians had invaded the trail. (If Kelden had known!) So we first went for a kayak ride. Our campsite had direct access to the lake but we can't say it was an easy access...

After lunch, we went back to the bike trail.

Unfortunately, the first part was graveled, which slowed down Ryan and made him a nice prey for the bugs. He did not like it and was quite disappointed because he was so proud to come with all of us now that he can bike well enough. Keld and Julia brought him back after the first lookout.

I continued with Zack and Kelden and regretted not to change bike before as my bike doesn't like gravel either. Fortunately, most of the trail was paved and I switched with Kelden sometimes.  We went all the way to Moonbeam (10.7 kms) and then came back through the loop (that you can see on the map.)

On our way back, we saw a groundhog.

We had a lot of fun!

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