Monday, August 19, 2024

Back to DisneyWorld

 Our plan this summer was to travel through the States and bring Julia to school. Unfortunately, she doesn't start until mid-September and by that time, the boys will have already started their year. So, instead, we went to her favorite place: DisneyWorld.


We traveled with the camper and took our time getting there, which was good as we missed the tropical storm, which became a hurricane, although we did see some of its effects. Our first stop was in Monroe, Michigan. 

The second campground, with a nice pool, was in Chattanougah, Tennessee.

We stopped at Buc-Ees, which was disappointing as it is very expensive and very busy. Disappointing too was our stop to the Florida Welcome Center; it was closed, so no free juice :) We did see some employees cleaning up after that storm. 

We made it to Fort Wilderness and got a site very close to the one we had last time. And there too, you could see the result of the storm; water levels were quite high.

 Ready for some fun!

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