Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Project

Talking to my older sister the other day, we realized that we haven't spent Christmas together for 15 years. It's also been 15 years since the 5 of us were together for Christmas. It's mostly my fault, since I've been in Canada for over 10 years now. Something that I never thought I would miss is the singing. My Mom had made books with all the Christmas songs she liked and we would sing them all- yep we sang for hours- with our guests. So I decided that,  to continue the tradition, I would make a songbook too, illustrated with pictures of "old Christmases" in France. Since I am trying to do this with the Mac, it's taking me forever, but here are the pictures I am using.

Maybe in another 15 years we'll go to France for Christmas, but  I doubt it.

1 comment:

  1. You brought tears to my eyes... that was beautiful, so full of memories for you. Loved the pics that showed your parents just singing their hearts out! and of course all the pictures of you when you were little. What a nice thing to do.
    As I watched I felt sad that you are no longer with your family at Christmas but also felt SO blessed that you are with ours! Love you tons, MOM XO
