Monday, January 16, 2012

9 months

Zack is now 9 month old, a good excuse to make a cake put pictures on the blog. As if I needed an excuse...

Zack is still such an easy baby, at least compared to his siblings. I just can't believe that I can put him down for naps in his crib and he doesn't scream. I might have to go put the soother back in his mouth once or twice, but he doesn't cry. I know, it's probably what "normal" babies do, but Julia and Kelden would scream for hours (literally, so I had given up and would take them with me). They still have a hard time going to bed on their own actually. They also wake up at night (not every night but way too often for me) and Zack has been copying them lately . I wish he wouldn't. So now, he wakes up a few times before midnight and the past few nights he's even asked for a feeding after midnight or he stays awake screaming. I wonder if he wakes up because his 5th teeth is coming? Or is it a growth spurt? I just hope he goes back to sleeping without waking up- soon, instead of getting used to be fed at night again. I also wish he wouldn't start the day at 5.50 am. No matter how long he's been awake at night, or the number of feedings he's had, he's up at 5.50. Keld was out of town last week but I didn't bother asking him if he had put the alarm clock on for me, I knew there was no way Julia would miss her bus, I'd be awake well before she needed to get ready. Otherwise, he's still trying to stand up on his own, but has only made it once. He shakes his head for yes and no, and since he's not sure when to do which one, he sometimes does them both at the same time. Maybe I'll put a video later. For now, just a last picture.


1 comment:

  1. He's sure a cute little guy! I can't believe that he is nine months old already! When we don't see them very often, the time seems to go so fast and they grow so quickly!
