Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Uncle Dave !

Since her dad chose one of his favorite cakes for the last birthday, Julia decided it was her turn for this one. I'm not sure Uncle Dave would like it but it might remind him of France. It reminds me of my family since we used to have it, let's say..maybe...once a week? It's like an Angel food cake, cut in two to put jam (Keld, who doesn't really like that cake, actually says it's a waste of our homemade jam) and it's covered with chocolate (there has to be some chocolate somewhere). Then you can put fruits or anything you want on top. I asked Keld to make a D for Dave.

I still don't have "my" computer, but I do have pictures of the birthday boy hanging in the house:

We hope he was surrounding by friends and family again today for his special day!


  1. I so loved watching them sing- Zack was hilarious! You do such a good job blogging. Love the older pictures - did you notice Brucey /(James) in the front row of the last picture. (Never thought he looked that much like his Dad until I looked at that picture.)
    That cake and song should make Uncle Dave proud!

  2. Thanks for the Birthday wishes! I love the cake blowing skills and old school pictures. Can't wait to party this summer after your France vacation. Gros Bisou!

    Uncle Dave
