Friday, November 1, 2019

Halloween-Trick or Treat

We started trick or treating right after school by going to see Granny.

As you can see, Kelden had an outside costume and this time Ryan was a penguin. I remember very well when Julia was the penguin. It was 11 years ago (and a different great-aunt).

Seems like the weather was a lot better back then...Anyway, after supper, the kids went around the neighborhood. I tried to take pictures of them with the pumpkins outside but they were not in the mood.

The pumpkins were more cooperative.

I didn't get too many trick or treaters (8 in total). Here are my 2 favorite:

It was dark when they came back.

Ryan was very excited to get so much candy. The neighbor had made her traditional customized treat bags!

Happy Halloween !

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