Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas with the School

Kelden and Julia worked really hard at school on the Christmas theme. For example, Santa teaches you the letter O:

He makes you practice your writing skills, since you have to send him a list, and your reading skills, since he writes you back (via the older kids of course). In the card Julia got, Santa says that he understood that the gifts she wanted were an ipad, a stuffed animal and a computer. He told her that he and his elves were wondering if they could make those gifts. "We're thinking about it" it says. Stop thinking! An ipad and a computer?

 As you can see, she also got a certificate proving that she is on the good list. Kelden never got one...
They both made lots of crafts. Here's just a sample of their artwork:



Since they go to a Catholic school, they do learn about Jesus, the focus of the celebrations.

Kelden actually skipped mass because he was sick, but he made it to the school's concert. Because he had not gone to school the day before, I got the paper saying they were to wear "clean clothes" too late. I don't think I would have interpreted it to mean "shirt and tie" anyway...

Oh well, he wore a nice Christmas tie the next day (the Christmas Tie/ Christmas Jewels Day)

He was allowed to keep his Santa hat.

Julia had a fun time at the concert too. She had stressed a lot (she would tell me at night how shy she is and how hard it is for her to stand in front of an audience, etc.) but she was super excited nonetheless, especially because Auntie Becca was coming!

She wasn't particularly looking forward to the Christmas Tie/ Christmas Jewels Day, but she was counting the nights to her Pyjama + Crazy Hair + Party Day that was planned for today.

So this is what happened when we told her that the buses had been cancelled today because of last night's snow storm.

She cried and screamed and cried and screamed...I'm used to her crying because she does NOT want to go to school, not the opposite! I knew it probably wasn't going to happen again. Ever. So we got the sleigh ready and went to school. (Of course, today we didn't check our emails before Keld had gone to work (we got an email before 7 about the bus cancellation) and, of course, today he needed to drive to work -for something that of course was cancelled).

I had told the secretary that we definitely wouldn't make it on time, and we sure didn't. I stayed a bit so Zack could warm up  (they had Tim Horton's chocolate). The way back was much easier, the side walk was ploughed.

I wonder if Julia's enthusiasm for school will be back January 7th...


  1. Linda cried too when she found out buses were cancelled. Christmas week at school is always fun! She didn't get to bring back any of her Christmas crafts, I guess they were going to on Friday, oh well, I did get her decoration for the tree at least when I went to the school last week.

    1. She didn't bring back anything at all? Julia and Kelden have been bringing back crafts almost every day this month. I actually haven't posted any of the crafts they brought on Friday. If Kelden doesn't have anything to bring back one day then he says he hasn't learnt anything at school that day :) Kelden would have stayed home yesterday, he would just have been disappointed not to be able to give his gifts to his teachers, and at first I thought that that's what we would do (just go quick to give the gifts and then all go home) but Julia really wanted to stay. Almost all her class was there, and the Tim Horton's hot chocolate...
