Sunday, January 6, 2013


We celebrate the visit of the Magi with special desserts, of course. I tried to make the traditional galette last year but it was such a disaster that I decided to do something else this year, something I actually like. It's called the brioche des rois. It is supposed to look like this:

With my cooking skills, it looks like that:

Close enough, at least much better than last year's galette.
Julia went under the table to tire les rois, meaning she would tell Keld who was getting the next piece. Her brothers joined her under the table, without really understanding what was going on. (Kelden thought we were supposed to dress up as wise men, hence his blanket...)

Keld got the fève (the little character you put inside your special Magi dessert) and therefore became the King. Julia was very disappointed...until I told her that the King had to choose his Queen (which is part of the tradition, I didn't make it up just to please her). For some reason, she knew Keld wouldn't choose me !?!

The wise men came with gifts, of course, and we have been continuing my dad's tradition of buying books for the children for the new year.

They like to read together!
This year they were even more spoiled as we got a package from my cousin Baptiste and his girlfriend Caroline, with gifts for everyone!

It was like Christmas right after Christmas !

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