Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Carnival Day

Last Friday was Carnival Day at the school. It had been postponed because of the cold, but it was still -17 on Friday. However, if we wait for California weather, we'll never do anything!

Carnival Day doesn't mean you get to dress up, as you might have thought, but it is a day for games. The competition is between the four houses of the school (each house having its own color but no funny names like in Harry Potter). Last year, Bonhomme Carnaval came to encourage them all. He didn't come this year and the kids missed  him.

The older kids played outside while the younger kids stayed inside. As Keld was sick, I left him in Zack's care while I went to the school to take pictures. I was warmly dressed and therefore stayed outside longer, with Julia, than inside, with Kelden, hence the discrepancy in the number of pictures for each.

Julia started with the traditional Canadian exercise:

Then, the rope. Not easy in the deep snow...

There were more people on the other team. Not fair. I went to see what Kelden was up to. He was playing the "scooter" game.

I returned outside where Julia was running with her team, the normal way first and then on their knees.

In the next game, the older kids had to push the younger kids on their team on the sleigh, faster than the other team. More fun for the the younger kids.

After Julia's turn, I went back to Kelden who was playing hockey. Well, that's what he was supposed to do. His French side doesn't allow him to even know what that sport is that all the other kids are so good at!

As you can see above, in the middle left picture (where he is showing off the hockey stick) and in the bottom right picture (where he is drawing circles with it),  Kelden wasn't really into it...At least the goalie outfit suited him.

After that, it was break time for both him and Julia. Tim Horton's hot chocolate and cereal bars (the school must have known I was coming).

Back outside for the "hoop game."

Then, our favorite: sliding.

I went back inside and realized that I had missed Kelden's first obstacle course but I was able to attend the next one. He wasn't motivated at all and did everything the wrong way. Oh well, I had a good laugh.

And we finish where we started, with hockey.

Because of the cold, they didn't stay outside as long as they had planned and there was another 45 minutes before the Subway lunch so I went home. In the afternoon, there was a game between the students and the teachers before the "graduation ceremony."  

Julia and Kelden's teams finished 4th and 3rd. Participating is what matters.

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