Sunday, March 10, 2013

From Snow to Rain

The snow has been melting, I know spring isn't here yet, but I don't think we'll able to use our sleighs any more.

But we can take out our umbrellas !

Hopefully sun is next...


  1. I think you can make a new blog post, or edit this one, by saying "from snow to rain to LOTS more snow." I think you can still use your sleighs. ;)

  2. I was gonna say the same thing as Jeff! With that 40-50 cms we got, I'm sure you'll be using the sleigh again :) (I don't really want to put that happy face, it was actually a little depressing seeing all that snow come back, oh well, such is life in Timmins).

  3. I sure can use the shovel/sleigh !
    Like I said, spring isn't here yet..never comes till May (at least for me) but honestly, I don't think I can use the sleigh any more because it is now melting too much, too fast, not enough stays on the ground, well not enough on the roads and sidewalks- for some reason there's still plenty on my driveway...)
