Monday, August 26, 2013

Last Vacation Day

Technically school started today, with a pd day. For this last day of summer vacation it is dark, again. Because of the rainy weather we've had this summer, our vacation routine turned out to be quite different from what I had in mind. I had planned long walks, picnics, etc. but we were stuck inside most of the time instead.

For the first part of the morning, while I was doing "my" things (reading, exercising, cleaning), the kids would just play with their toys, and sometimes with each other. Kelden did exercise with me a bit. It's too bad I don't have pictures of his karate moves, only of his weight lifting program.

Since he is already pretty fit, he would quickly go back to playing.

Girls' games, but also boys'games.

Why buy a nice table when you can play on the floor?

During the second part of the morning, we would try to go outside, but often we had to stay in to play and do crafts.

After lunch, during Zack's nap, we had reading time (for Julia to practice):

Then, coloring time (for Kelden to practice):

And finally, movie time !

I actually don't think that watching Power Rangers was such a good idea. Kelden is way too much into it...

When Zack would wake up, we would, once again, try to go outside and often waited for Keld in the park. We only made it once all the way to his work. I don't have a picture of our walks outside, but I have a picture of some baking ! (You knew that was coming).

Julia tried a new Austrian recipe, called sacher cake.

I wonder if her smile will be that big tomorrow for school...

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