Monday, December 16, 2013

School Christmas Concert

Kelden missed his school's Christmas concert today. He is sick again. He was throwing up all night last night (for the third night in 5 days). So he is staying with Zack (who is sick too by the way). Julia, who has only had two throwing-up nights this past week, was able to go and Keld, who seems to be recovering, took pictures and videos for me.

I was curious to see how Kelden's class was going to act the song "I Want a Doll For Christmas" since they have boys in that class too! Kelden had been asked to bring a stroller last week so they could practise (the teacher obviously knows sister Julia) and so, like I said, I was really curious. Well, I think they did a good job!

Julia and her class sang "The Drummer Boy" but here, again, I have to repeat that, to me, this is NOT a Christmas song. In French, the words are totally different (okay, we still have a drummer boy) but it is a VERY sad song. So sad, in fact, that I cry every single time I hear it. Julia actually will sing it all year long for that reason only: to make me cry. Here's a translation of that song, to help you make sense of the actions the kids are doing, and to prove to you how sad and un-Christmas this song is.

He is walking
The little drummer boy
He feels his heart beating
With each and every step

O my drummer boy
Where're you going?

Last night, my father
Was following the drums
The drums of the soldiers
So to heaven I go

There, my drum I'll give
To bring him back home

All the angels
Took their beautiful drums
And told the little boy
"Your daddy is back home"

And the boy wakes up
His drum by his side...

Talk about a Christmas wish!? Or a Christmas miracle!? Or even just a family Christmas!? Pfff...that song is not Christmas to me. Now, the Relief Society's sisters might argue that my Christmas songs are not their types...

I wish Keld had filmed more songs, Julia said she really liked some of them.

I like watching her ;)

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