Monday, June 9, 2014

Handsome Kelden

 The other day one of Kelden' s classmates came to school with a dress shirt and everybody said he was handsome, well I believe the word used was actually "smart". The next day, Kelden asked to wear a shirt AND a tie, to be even more handsome, or smart. He must have got lots of compliments because he wore shirts and ties all that week.

You might notice that these shirts are too small for him..I've had them for quite some time but he had never showed such an interest in them until now!

He put the right shirt for their Hawaii Day, but I had to tell him that a tie would ruin the Hawaiian effect...

If you wear a shirt and a tie every day, what is your Sunday dress?

We finally found some suits on sale. Kelden is so proud to look like his dad!!! (He was actually ready to go sit on the stand yesterday!).
To finish, let's put some casual wear pictures:

See, he doesn't need a shirt or a tie to look handsome ;)

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