Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First Post of the Year

From the title, you can already tell that I am not inspired. We finished 2014 without fanfare, we were so not in the mood that we took down all the decorations on New Year's Eve and didn't do anything special. We never stay up anyway (even if we might say we do because we stay past midnight France time...). Julia's last request of the year was a milkshake.

All we wanted to do on New Year's Day was sleep. Pain, anxiety and sickness have not allowed us to get enough of that precious commodity lately.

Kelden now has a fiber glass cast that glows in the dark.

Unfortunately, it doesn't erase pain or helps you sleep. He will have it for approximately 6 or 7 weeks. If by then it's not completely healed, he will have a smaller cast. After it's all done, the specialist will check to see if the other leg grew faster and if so, other "things" will be done. Yep, I did go to the hospital but only one person can accompany the patient, so that's what you get when Kelden chooses his dad, "things."
Since Kelden is too small for crutches, we are renting a wheelchair.

He hasn't been able to go back to school yet as they need to arrange for an assistant to be with him (to help him for the bathroom, etc.) and I think it has to be a male, which might be harder to find.  So he is at home, trying to have fun with Zack.

But he is mostly bored and frustrated. I am so sad for him I almost forgot today was a special day..We might have to tire les rois again this week but we did do it last minute. Zack was King and chose Julia as his Queen (I'm not sure she gave him a choice actually...)


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