Monday, January 19, 2015

Third Post of the Year

I wonder who can guess what my next title will be...I just don't have a theme to group the following pictures in.

We finally had a good day, last Saturday. It started by a very special delivery!

Then, Julia and Keld went skiing and grocery shopping. They didn't ski too much; it is still quite cold. Julia was also in a hurry to use her Christmas money from Special and Grandpa Bruce to buy some gloves that she had seen a week and a day ago (that's how long she had been waiting).

While they were away, Kelden was busy making a robot.

I am glad Keld was brave enough to cut his hair.

In the afternoon, we went skating. Of course, Kelden couldnt skate, which gave Keld a nice excuse...

So, it was the three of us. We couldn't bring the orange thing but Zack did okay.

Kelden took pictures and lots of videos

As you can see, Julia got tired, and jealous of Kelden, so they all ended up with Keld.

Today, we were back at the fracture clinic. Because it takes forever even with an appointment (our file was also misplaced after the X-ray) and because they made him a new cast (after which you have to check his toes for circulation issues), Kelden missed another day of school. They changed the cast because he had been complaining about pain (for which the doctor said to give Tylenol, not Advil as Advil slowns down bone growth)and they thought maybe it was because the cast too tight or something was touching in the wrong place. Turned out it was okay, but I guess he got to change color...

Our next appointment is in three weeks. He should get a walking cast then for another couple of weeks. In the meantime he got some reading from my parents. 2 Smurfs books.

He also got a Spiderman fève but it ended up in Zack's piece of cake, not his...

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