Saturday, September 10, 2011

End of Cottage Season

We might have gone to the cottage today if we hadn't got so sick this week. Julia had it last week, Kelden had it at the beginning of this week, and Keld and I followed, at the same time. That was the problem. We were so sick that Special came and spend 24 hours with us to take care of the kids. I will spare you the details and go directly to posting pictures of our last fun days at the cottage.

Rides in the trailer

Tube rides

According to Uncle James, the ride was pretty wild, it's just that when Kelden is tired, he falls asleep, no matter where he is. 

If he's not taking a nap, he's being silly.

Julia doesn't take naps, she gets her nails done instead :)

And Zack has fun with his cousin, and his cousin's toys!

Now, a series of pictures from Julia

She's getting better ;)
Keld and James went in the lake last week-end and it was super-cold, outside, it only went up to 9 degrees (Celsius) 
And that was their last time before next year!!

1 comment:

  1. Some of julia's pictures turned out pretty cool and artsy!! What talent!! :) miss you guys!
