Friday, September 30, 2011

Disneyworld I The Hotel

We arrived in Florida after two relatively short flights (compared to crossing the ocean). Julia did complain about her ears but the hardest part was the 8 hour wait in a enclosed area of the Toronto airport. We wouldn't get lost in that part of the airport, even with our eyes closed. Anyway, we arrived at the hotel around 2am. Our room was well protected by two giant dogs.

Photos courtesy of Julia Scott

There was another dog, but I don't think he was on duty. He was too busy watching TV. So busy he didn't mind my kids climbing all over him.

I have to admit that there were some good shows playing on his big TV.

That is something our kids really liked at the hotel; the TV. They have discovered the Disney Channel (we don't  have TV at home, we only watch movies) and something Julia was particularly interested in: commercials.

I don't know if Zack was jealous that his playpen wasn't facing the TV, but he sure hated sleeping in it. That was the most tiring part of the trip; he would wake up almost every hour and would be ready to go around 3 or 4. I would send Keld around 5 for a walk with him but one time Keld didn't wake up and so I put Zack in the bathroom area to play on his own.

Yep, wide awake when everybody else is sleeping. He must have enjoyed the room. We actually decorated it, well, at least the window, to do like everybody else.

The cleaning lady gave us balloons after we had already bought some! She was ready to give us four strollers as well, but we could barely fit ours in the room. She was really nice, but the best things about the hotel were:

1) the pool

Maybe it's because we're Canadians,
but we are not used to such heat
 and it felt good to cool down in the water almost every day.

2) Our neighbors

We wanted to stay with them, but we got the Dalmatians instead. It's OK, they didn't mind us visiting them any time.

In this last picture, Kelden isn't mad, he is just being a dinosaur.

Well, as much as we liked our hotel, we didn't come all the way from Timmins to Orlando to stay in a hotel. So we got the kids ready,

waited for the bus,

and had fun at the Diney Parks. Lots of fun (you'll see in the next posts)!

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