Friday, March 16, 2012

11 months

I was waiting for nice pictures of Zack before posting his update, but I don't have any. Maybe it's because he hasn't been nice :) His nights are terrible. Remember how confident I was to beat the record of good nights? (Last year's record being 4 nights without any interruption between 10.30 pm and 5.30 am). My confidence has dramatically dropped. I'd be happy with a night with no interruption from 12.30 to 4.30. That's when Zack keeps waking up and crying-sometimes for 2 hours straight. He also likes to get up early. I feed him around 5, thinking/hoping/wishing that he'll fall back asleep but even if he does, it's usually only for a half-hour. That's when I send Keld. Keld usually sleeps through everything, no matter how many times I get up, except of course during the one or two hours of non-stop crying. Since there were quite a few of those nights lately, at the end of the day, he looks tired too.

As you can see, we've been trying to give Zack some extra milk, but it obviously doesn't help with nights.
My new strategy: going out. My Mom says "fresh air brings good fatigue" (yep, she doesn't speak English).

I know, on Monday the sidewalks were still all full of snow/slush and it turned back to ice again on Wednesday. Last night though, everything was already pretty much melted! Good. We've been inside too long, confined to drive in the hallway.

At 11 months, Zack is approximately 24 pounds for 30 inches. 6 teeth, and the drooling might indicate that more are coming...

The word for the month is: less. He sleeps less at night, he sleeps less during the day and he eats less. Maybe I'm not giving him the good stuff.

He can also clap, pray, whistle like his dad (meaning by sucking air, not blowing). But like I said, I couldn't get good pictures/video of any of it. This is all you get:

Should be good enough. Now, I think I'm going to tell him that I'll eat his piece of birthday cake if he doesn't sleep better by that time, maybe that would help him try harder :) I don't want him to become like his siblings. Did I tell you Kelden has been waking up at least once (but on average twice) a night lately? Good thing Julia only wakes up once every 10 days!


  1. I'm sorry he's not sleeping! Same with sawyer, just when you think things are going great BAM! They switch on you! It's a good thing he's do cute!

  2. He is getting so big! I love that picture of him all bundled up in the stroller. So cute. I'm sorry he's not sleeping well for you though. Keld does look pretty tired in that first picture. i'm sure you're feeling pretty exhausted too!
