Thursday, August 30, 2012

First (Half) Day of School for Kelden

Kelden started school this afternoon. I was a little anxious because he's been telling us he didn't want to go and had lots of excuses preventing him from not going. My favorite was: "I can't go because I work at Wal-Mart." (He chose that store because it has a toy section). One morning he went outside, to go to work, but quickly realized he couldn't get to the store on foot and needed a vehicle. After that he decided he would go where the truck goes, and work with his Dad!
Eventually, he realized there was no escaping his fate and he decided to try and show some enthusiasm.

He even let me take pictures of him around the school (he liked the blue crayon).

He was a little shy at first, but he went with the teacher without crying or looking back for me so Zack and I just left.

I now wonder if his smile was just for the first day, like Julia. On her second day she had already complained about a sore throat and was crying at the secretary's desk when I came in for my interview with Kelden's teacher. I brought her back to class where (the teacher told me later) she cried most of the morning. She cried herself to sleep in my arms last night and woke up crying this morning. The teacher told me she cried most of the morning again, even if she let her hold her (the teacher's) teddy bears. Julia is already crying that she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow, but she realized that Kelden should be with her at recess since he goes in the morning this time, and that seemed to calm her a bit.
I find it so hard. I feel guilty and wonder if I shouldn't try home schooling!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know Kelden worked at Wal-Mart, I never see him there! ;) I hope he has an easier time at school than Juila. I feel so bad for her :( Like they say, "this too shall pass", I hope that is the case for her.
