Sunday, August 5, 2012

Scott Family Vacation 2012: At the Cottage -the Water

Of course, the cottage is for those who like water, like frogs.

We like it too, even if it's too cold for some of us...

There was a new toy this year, the mat.

The kids also played with boards, thanks to Grandma Special's patience.

They were pretty handy to practice wake-boarding too...but just practice.

Caitlin was actually brave enough to try water skiing for real. Kelden decided a girl couldn't be braver than him and so he tried too.

He still has a long way to go to become a pro like his aunts and uncles...

But the kids still enjoyed the boat...

...and the other "water machines"

Although some, like me, just prefer the hot tub.

No, I wasn't going to put  a picture of me in the pool, Will is so much cuter !


  1. My camera has the same problem as yours! Every year that we come, I think that I'm going to remember to take more pictures of EVERYONE, and every year, I come home and wonder why I never have any pictures of the adults and most of the kid pictures are of my own kids. It makes me frustrated with myself, because I really want those pictures of everyone.

    I love all your pictures though, and we sure miss you all!

  2. The above comment was meant to go with the post "At the Cottage Together" oops!
