Sunday, July 24, 2011


With Grandpa Bruce and Special's pool + the lake at the cottage, we figured that Julia should learn how to swim, and her mom is definitely not the one to teach her. So she started swimming lessons this past week and we'll see if she can keep going (as there are always lots of people who want to register but not enough classes + I now need to bring the other two boys to watch her and between breastfeeding and Kelden's temper it might not work so well). Anyway, Friday was parents' day and I got to go with her and learn what she's learning (half of it I can't do, like opening your eyes in the water or put your whole head in without plugging your nose...). I was able to take pictures, but of her only, so you can't see the other 3 girls that go with her (the boy was too scared and gave up).

She's been enjoying it, especially the last part, when they go in the hot water (it is actually too hot for me, I had a hard time getting in). On Friday we also got a mid-session progress report where the instructor stated that she should practice opening her eyes in the water. I'm not sure why she said that because at the pool she does it pretty well.

Her dad does a good job too and I really like how he can plug his nose (and thinks that that's how everybody does it).

I sure can't do it. But I still go swimming and Zack went in too for the first time.

He didn't cry, but he doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as his siblings.

I didn't put Zack in the lake yet, I think it might be too cold for him. It is for his dad.

I do have to admit that it takes me a while before going in, same with Julia. Kelden, on the other hand, is a bit faster.

As you can see, I swam again with the ducks and ths time there is a picture to prove it!

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