Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Catherine's birthday

I turned 34 today. People were thinking of me from all over the world! Here's the video of the celebration in Switzerland:


My Italian-speaking nieces are adorable. Like my kids, they hurry to blow the candles!
I had another niece singing here in Canada, but she let Julia blow the candles.

I was spoiled!

This was my 11th birthday in Canada. I tried to look for a picture of my first one, but I think that the earliest I found was 2002.

I haven't changed at all, you have to go way way back to see a difference :) Let's see if you can find me in this class picture. (You might have to click on it to enlarge it!)

Just in case you haven't found me, here's another picture taken the same day.


Now you can see what difference 30 years can make!


  1. Kelden gives the same look you are giving in the last picture!
    I'm glad we could celebrate with you yesterday, love you!


  2. It looks like a fun party. And you're right, you haven't changed! Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you!
