Saturday, April 28, 2012

Birthdays, snow and pirates

April has always been a busy birthday month in my family. My older sister was born on the 18th, my youngest sister on the 27th and my grandma on the 24th (which is why I remember Uncle Jim's birthday so well).
My mom used to buy our first strawberries of the year to put on Carole's birthday cake and so again this year I kept the tradition (well, the tradition of having strawberries on the cake, not to wait for the 18th for strawberries...)

For GĂ©raldine, I wasn't too inspired, so I thought I would just focus on what  birthdays mean: getting older. Ahah!

She wasn't with her daughters to celebrate (she is with her husband touring his mission) but her girls didn't think they needed her to party (I wonder which aunt taught them that!).

Growing up, my sisters never had snow on their birthdays. They might now that they live in Switzerland. They sure would if they lived here. Julia had another snow day this week. Kelden begged her to go outside and build a snowman with him but she didn't want to. I wanted to go during Zack's naptime (because he doesn't like to just sit there and watch us play) but he slept during lunch. Anyway, when finally we went outside the snow wasn't good any more, or maybe that's just my excuse because I'm horrible at making snowmen. We made a "castle" instead.

Yeah, I guess being raised in France and by the beach, I'm more of a castle-making person than a snowman one. I did try the following day though, but even our mini-snowman family looks more like menhirs/dolmens (that you can find where I live) rather than snowmen.

Oh well, Kelden had fun, that's what matters.

He's also been having fun dressing as a pirate, or at least changing into one.

Julia prefers to be a mermaid. The ocean, the sand, the heat. I think she's tired of the snow.

1 comment:

  1. Well send Julia down here for a visit!! She did once say she wanted to live with us :) we will take her to the beach... Disneyland.... She will have a great time with NO SNOW!!!
