Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2 videos

The first video is Julia singing with her class. They had a special show last Thursday, called Rock Vedette. The principal introduced their song by saying that the children had learnt how to express their "wonder" to God, author of all life, and how to appreciate each other's importance. It's too bad that they put the music with the words so loud.

The second video is my attempt at filming Zack walking.

He's not giving up crawling just yet.

And for those of you wondering how Kelden's second morning went, here's the update.
He was again disappointed that he couldn't take the bus with Julia. However, on our way to the school he was already asking if he could go home. At the school he was crying and screaming "maman maman" and the teacher told me to just leave. When I came back to pick him up, she wanted to talk to me. First, she said he will only speak English.  Then, she told me that he doesn't do anything on his own. He won't unzip his bag, take things out or put things in, etc. She said he's far behind the others as far as independence goes. Since she knows he doesn't go to daycare and is not used to a routine at all, she told me that I should check the programs at the Early Years Center and I told her that he was registered for their "Get ready for school" program. Starting next week he will go to school from 8.30 to 11.30, Tuesday to Friday for 5 weeks. She seemed relieved as she hopes it will help him catch up and be more prepared for September. I also told her I was going to try to make sure he does more things by himself. So, when we got home, after Kelden took off his coat and his jacket and then lied down waiting for help to take off his shoes, I told him to do it himself. Of course, he said no, that he needed help, etc. I said I was going to check to see if we had Smarties, for people who take off their shoes on their own. In two seconds he had taken his shoes off and put them in the basket...

1 comment:

  1. So cute to see Zack taking steps! Thanks for all the great blogging you do! You really keep us all informed and although we may not always comment Dad and I REALLY love reading and keeping up with all your news and fun and appreciate all the time you spend doing so.
