Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

At 7 this morning, Keld and the boys had a pancake breakfast ready for me but I was still waiting for Julia to come "wake me up" with a song. She had been asking me all week if it was okay to come and wake me up on Mother's Day by singing to me, which is what her teacher had told them to do (having taught them a song). However, she slept longer than the boys (having gone to bed late since we had just come back the night before from our ward Temple trip). When she did get up though, she wanted to go eat right away-the smell of pancakes I guess...
This is the song with which she was supposed to wake me up.

She had already given me my gifts. On Monday, she had mailed a letter (they've been learning about addresses) and I received it on Wednesday.


Dear Maman
You are beautiful.
I love you.
I give you a big kiss
on the cheek.
Julia XOXO

Notice the specification on the cheek. 

In the envelop, there were also two pictures. Other gifts for Mother's Day. Food and flowers.

Then on Thursday, she gave me this:


Beloved Mother
To you a cup of tea I offer
To recover
From your day's labors

Happy Mother's Day

It's actually caffeine free. I thought it was a cute idea. My mom, a herbal tea fanatic, would surely like it. I should ask Julia to make her one for me to send to her for Mother's Day (which is June 3rd in France, so I'm not late yet).

And finally, today, both Kelden and Julia were invited to sing with the Primary during Sacrament meeting. Of the two, only Julia sang. Kelden did go up and stood with the other kids, but he did not sing a single word. Instead, he put on his best unhappy face. Something like that...

...but ten times worst. This is what he was supposed to sing:

But trust me, Kelden is still pretty proud he did not sing it.

Zack may not have sung either but at least he was a good boy all day. And being good is probably the best gift you can give your mother.

Because if you're good, you can be with her forever !

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