Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Julia has been waiting for weeks for Valentine's Day. She had her cards all ready. And it took her only one day to write them all (compare to 2 weeks last year).

Too bad she hasn't been able to give them to her classmates yet. She was sick yesterday, throwing up all day and so I kept her home again today. She was feeling better though and wanted to make heart-shaped cookies. So she and Kelden got ready.

Kelden made the dough and then did the dishes.

He had to be careful; the chair was leaving. Notice his helper (Lightning McQueen).
Julia made the hearts and decorated them.

It's serious work as you can see.
And all this was done under the supervision of "Sick Zack". It's his second day with a fever.

Believe it or not, this picture makes him look better than he actually is. It's sad to see him like that, he usually looks so happy. Let's hope it doesn't last long.
And now, the end result.

Keld brought Kelden to choose a surprise for me last night. I was indeed very surprised; we usually don't buy gifts for each other and so I wondered what kind of chocolate they would bring back. They came back with a watch! I had been complaining  about how the bracelet is broken on the one I have. What am I going to complain about next February?


  1. Poor little Zack, sure hope he is all better this morning! Great job on the cookies. I didn't know Kelden was so talented in the kitchen. Have a good day at school Julia.
    Love to all XOXO

    1. After a long night, Zack is better this morning. The fever is down and he can now "talk." Of course, he is still tired and not 100% himself, but he's on the right track!
