Tuesday, February 28, 2012

De Kelden

Kelden doesn't go to school so no report cards and no parent-teacher interview yet. I do try to teach him a bit at home and when I say a bit, I mean a very little bit, like colors and shapes. He doesn't learn as fast as I think he should and I have to remind myself that everybody learns at a different pace. For now, I need to enjoy him before he goes to school.
One of his favorite activities, besides playing with cars, is taking pictures.

Here is some if his best work.

It looks like she has red hair

And this isn't the worst he has of me!

He likes to take pictures, but he doesn't want me to take him.

Okay, for the family pictures we can't blame it all on him...

Something he likes though, is singing. But not at the right time. It took him almost 2 months to sing during singing time in Primary, even if he knew the songs and would sing them at home. A couple of weeks ago, during sacrament meeting, (you know, if you follow the blog, that that's the time when Julia and I try to close our eyes and see Jesus) he told me that it was time to sing (probably because singing = prayer = done) and  so he broke the nice silence and started singing the January Primary song As a Child of God.
Here is a video of him singing that song. Since I was filming him, he decided to act silly and I had to stop before the end.

If only you could recognize colors and shapes just by singing them...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was really good! He is so darn cute- he always surprises what he knows as he often seems to be in is own little world :) Or at least seems to have the attitude "Don't bother me, can't you see I'm busy playing.
    I think he is a pretty good photographer too!
    Sure love that boy!
