Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A business trip to Moosonee

While we were celebrating Candlemas, Keld was in fact gone further North for 2 days to Moosonee, a little town of about 3000 inhabitants (or so they say). For those, who, like me, have a hard time with geography, here is a map.

Keld used to go up there at least once a year with his old job and would travel by plane. Now, however, considering that he uses the money from the City, he has to use cheaper means of travel, like the train. It's cheaper but it's also longer and, as the picture shows, a lot more tiring.

After the train ride, which actually was after a bus ride, he got a tour of Moosonee and Moose Factory. Moose Factory is situated on an island accessible by ice road in the winter. Another map.

Not too many people dare living up there, or maybe Keld didn't see them because they are hibernating with the bears now.

It's a good place if you like cold and white. Everything is white, even more so with the frozen river.

It's too cold to live in a teepee but I like how they somehow keep the traditional style.

Anyway, I'm sure it makes you all want to come live in the North!


  1. wow catherine! your posts are not only fun and interesting to read, but educational! good job with the maps ;) i don't really miss canada in the winter, just the people that live there!

  2. ya, i second missing the people, i do like not having to see anything white in the winter except fluffy white clouds next to a bright shiny sun.... :) Love you guys!

  3. Jeff, it must be the teacher in me :)
    Emmy, I wish it wasn't so cold but I like watching the snow falls and reflect on how grateful I am to be inside with my wonderful family!!
