Monday, February 28, 2011

Waiting For The Bus

If you read the French version, you'll notice that I have a long introduction for this post. I try to justify myself because most people don't understand how I can let my 4 year-old daughter take a bus all by herself to go to school. Why don't I just walk with her myself? (They know why I don't drive her :) Well, I blame it on the weather conditions and I don't have to explain that to my English-speaking readers who have all experience at least part of the winter here. 
Anyway... Kelden is not jealous about Julia going to school, but he is jealous that she gets to go outside in the morning to play in the snow. It hasn't been that cold out lately at 8 am (around -10C) so we've been bringing him and he likes it.

Julia showed him how she goes up, and especially goes down, the mountain.

He really enjoyed that.

So he decided to try the mountain too.

But he asked his Dad to help him go down.

I don't know if you've noticed, but Kelden has in his hands a book...about parrots. Yes, we think he's the one who will inherit Simon. He seems to have at least inherited his father's love for pets.

1 comment:

  1. too cute... i love how bundled up they are! snow is pretty fun sometimes.... :)
