Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Our Wedding Anniversary (with slideshow #1)

I know, I know, my posts always have part 1, part 2. But this time, I can blame it on my sister Carole. She hasn't finished the slideshows I have ordered from her.
Anyway, we celebrated our anniversary last Wednesday. We got a card that very day from my parents.(I had to mention this, the French Post office is usually super slow).

Yep, this was our 10th anniversary, and this is what we looked like (I had a very bad cold that day- my excuse).

And this is what we looked like 10 years ago.

No difference! :)
For this anniversary, I wanted a picture. That's right, a picture. No big fancy (and by fancy I mean expensive) tool. Just a picture! OK, not just any picture. I wanted one that would be big enough to fit this frame.

This is the frame we were given at our wedding and on which the guests signed. As you can see, now, there is a collage of pictures in that frame. That is because not one of our wedding pictures can be blown up without getting blurry. That's why I wanted to take wedding pictures again, ten years later.
I asked Ashley if she wouldn't mind helping us for that. She agreed, without saying that I was crazy! She did my hair, my make-up, and took the pictures! Thank you sooo much. And James too  for watching Bruce, etc.
I made a slideshow with these new pictures, on the only music I had.

Voila, now I have to choose one of those new pictures for our frame.
Oh, and we did eat cake.

You're right, it looks too good, I didn't make it :)

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a great idea, Catherine. And you both look remarkably the same for being 10 years older (AND having 3 kids.) Happy anniversary! I am so happy you are part of our family. xoxo
